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Sentry is an open-source platform for workflow productivity, aggregating errors from across the development stack in real time.


Storyboard enables organizations to create and distribute private podcasts and on-demand audio messages. Enterprise security meets a best-in-class listener experience.


Superside is a tech-enabled design company that delivers beautiful design at scale to enterprise teams — from everyday production work to large-scale strategic design solutions.


Avenue is a developer of a database platform designed to set up alerts and processes for business operation teams.


Glean provides enterprise search across all of an organization’s cloud applications. It understands context, language, behavior, and relationships with others, to find personalized answers any question.


Hightouch is the “Customer Success Platform” for Slack. Hightouch syncs customer data from the data warehouse to the tools that organizations’ business teams rely on.


The intelligent calendar for busy professionals

Sonar Software

Sonar Software gives companies a clear view into their tech stack, so they can simplify complex change and never break a critical process again.

The Browser Company

The Browser Company aims to improve upon browsing software that has remained largely unchanged. Their goal is to update the browser to enable users to access the internet in a better way.

Wade & Wendy

Wade & Wendy supports companies in acquiring talent, converting job seekers into applicants, and making informed recommendations throughout the recruiting process.

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